Friday, 20 September 2019

2019 Production

2019 production

On Thursday the 19th of September, in the evening, we did our production. In the production, there were 10 scenes then the final song and I was in scene 5 with the dance called PAT'S BLUES and that the Production was called Goodbye My Friend. In the production, My favourite parts were with Stanly and Sean and the second is with Luke as the bus driver who was very good at driving and had a very good accent. I was having fun doing the dance and I liked also every other scene. My Mum and My Aunty came, My dad was to busy to come on the night. I liked Production and I would love to do it again. 

The spaghetti marshmallow challenge 2019

Science marshmallow challenge  Today, On the 29th of November 2019, We did a marshmallow challenge where we had to use pasta (spaghetti...