Thursday, 28 November 2019

The spaghetti marshmallow challenge 2019

Science marshmallow challenge 

Today, On the 29th of November 2019, We did a marshmallow challenge where we had to use pasta (spaghetti sticks)100cm sellotape, and 100cm string and 1 marshmallow and we had to build a tower using those materials and the time limit was 18 mins. It was lots of fun but it was also challenging. We had taped the spaghetti sticks together again because the spaghetti sticks would break easily so we had taped them together on a box then put the marshmallow and here's what it looked like. We had finished and we came second and it was 51 cm tall and Joshua's group came first with 560 mm. 

Tuesday, 5 November 2019

Mr Chitty

Mr Chitty

On Wednesday the 3rd of July, Mr Chitty Came to talk to us about some Deep-sea diving and Fish and what is happening to them. Mr Chitty Showed us some Clownfish from all around the world Like Fiji and some from the Solomon Islands. Mr Chitty also showed Us some Colourful Eels that were hiding in holes. Next Up was that Mr Chitty Brought up a Photo of a Poisonous Fish that if you touched the Fin that you will get Sick and Poisoned by It. Mr Chitty also told us that he did not Just find Fish, He also found Jeeps, Trucks, Drugs, Tanks and Even some Weapons from World war 1. He Showed Us Some old Drugs that were still in the Bottle. Next, after He showed Photos. He Chose Charlie B and Sophie To Put on some Gear that was Important. He Said That you Need Nitrogen and Oxygen and Helium to breath underwater and the You may need some Life Jackets so that when you are running low on air, You can float Back up onto the Surface. Lastly, After Showing Some of the gear you need, He Emptied a His Bag and It had Rubbish and other Thing that he was telling us that we're going into the water and that we should stop Polluting The Ocean and to look after it. 

2019 Maori week Myths and legends blog

2019 Maori week Myths and legends blog

For the past week or so, I have been working on my Maori Myths and legends and the myth/legend I did was Maui taming the sun to go slow. Maui was a leader of a Maori tribe.
The sun was gliding around too fast so at night Maui gathered the men in the tribe and said "Tribe, we need to slow the sundown" but the tribe said that it will just burn you then he explained that "if we use some flax ropes to hold the sundown then with my grandfathers jawbone, I can hit the sun then he will begin to stop. In the morning, Maui and the men came got some flax then they went back to make some flax ropes. After making some ropes, it became night so Maui and the men went to where the sun would rise and then when they had hidden the sun started appearing and then Maui Said "NOW" and they threw ropes over the sun and then Maui then with his grandfather's mighty jawbone, he started to hit the sun a few times and it started to really hurt so the sun said "OK, OK Stop or I will die" and he said " I will start going slower so in the morning when they woke up the sun was going really slow so now they could hunt, fish, eat and that's the story of Maui and the sun.
By Justin T 

End of Term 3 2019

The end of the term 

In this term, we have done a lot of things. First, we have done 4 weeks of winter sports then we did some of our Life Eduction with Harold and Canntamaths which both were Very Very Fun. Some other things that we did was to make a market day which me Justin K and Liam B Got 21$ and some other money. I Loved some of the global play that we did during the last Fridays that I have been doing Recycled stuff to make with Ben, Cohen and Ethan. Nextly we did some art for service and us Pain boxes and out some food in them and other things for those who were sick in hospital. What the batten team did for the last week of the term was for Art and I made recycled Milk cartons and the leftover Bottom for plants, Toy houses. 
I really liked term 3 and it was the best

The spaghetti marshmallow challenge 2019

Science marshmallow challenge  Today, On the 29th of November 2019, We did a marshmallow challenge where we had to use pasta (spaghetti...