Thursday, 21 March 2019

Southern sudan Janet and Phil

Learning South Sudan,Phil and Janet's Visit

On Thursday the 21st of march after community time in room 5 we got to see some missionaries😃😃😃😃 , Phil and Janet from South Sudan. Firstly I learnt about South Sudan is that lots of girls in Sudan don't go to school because the parents think they will find a boyfriend and then get married and then have no Education. Secondly that is some people have different scars on there heads to show what kinds of tribes there from and that it is dangerous to travel on the roads of Sudan. Thirdly South Sudan has no Electricity and no sewers for toilets and not that much have anything to do. Next is that people to travel from  plane and Some schools are not made from concrete and they are made out of mainly sticks, Hay or even mud for mud walls and to support the little huts. Lastly is that there is not that many Doctor in South sudan.

The spaghetti marshmallow challenge 2019

Science marshmallow challenge  Today, On the 29th of November 2019, We did a marshmallow challenge where we had to use pasta (spaghetti...